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The petition process allows eligible entities to submit data showing that locations and/or census blocks should be designated differently than what is shown on the Department of Community Affair’s website.


Starting August 1, 2023, the Georgia Broadband Program will be accepting registration requests for qualified individuals and organizations to petition changes to the Georgia Broadband Map. The petition window is open for 45 days and closes on October 15, 2023. Upon receipt of a petition, DCA will render a decision within 75 days.

Please start the petition process as soon as possible to allow the maximum amount of time to assemble the required documentation. 

Eligible Petitioners

Per Georgia Code (O.C.G.A. 50-40-22), eligible petitioners include:

· Local governments providing broadband services

· Broadband service providers

· Entities providing broadband services that are authorized to apply for a certificate of authority pursuant to O.C.G.A. 45-5-163

Frequently Asked Questions

Broadband service providers or local governments providing broadband services may participate in the petition process per O.C.G.A. 50-40-22.

The petition process is a map correction mechanism that allows eligible petitioners to provide evidence that locations and/or census blocks should be designated differently than what is shown on the Georgia Broadband Map.

Once you are registered, you will be required to submit information specifying the locations you believe should be designated differently. You will receive further instructions upon approval of your registration form.