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BEAD Challenge Guidelines

How to Get Involved

Registration is required to participate in the challenge process. Watch the videos below to learn more about the BEAD challenge process and how to register.



In preparation for the Georgia BEAD Challenge Process, GTA has published the below resources to assist eligible entities.

Georgia BEAD Challenge Process Guidebook (PDF, 959.08 KB)
This guidebook includes information about which entities are eligible to challenge, how to access the challenge portal, how to submit a challenge, and the different types of challenges that can be submitted.

BEAD Challenge Template Guide (PDF, 215 KB)
This guide is meant to accompany and provide additional information for the required challenge CSV templates.

Planned Service MOA (DOCX, 43 KB)

Timeline Overview

Duration and Dates

Pre-challenge Data Collection

Providers submit data regarding existing enforceable funding commitments.

December 2023 - January 3, 2024

Challenge Phase

Challenges accepted through the BEAD challenge portal.

30 days

March 4 - April 2, 2024

Rebuttal Phase

Accepted challenges are posted and notifications are shared about rebuttal opportunities. Rebuttals are accepted.

30 days

April 3 - May 2, 2024

Final Determination

GTA reviews and validates rebuttals, then posts publicly to the BEAD challenge map website. Finally, GTA reviews all challenges and rebuttals and finalizes the BEAD challenge map.

30 days

May 6 - June 4, 2024

Data Submitted to NTIA

NTIA must approve the outcome of the state's challenge process before GTA can begin accepting grant applications.

Within seven days of all final determinations

Frequently Asked Questions

The challenge process gives Georgians an opportunity to correct inaccuracies in the state's broadband map, so it reflects the most up-to-date broadband access information. The updated map will determine which locations are eligible for funding through the BEAD Program.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) allows local governments, nonprofit organizations, and internet service providers (ISP) to submit challenges. Individuals in Georgia can participate by taking an internet speed test and coordinating with registered local governments or nonprofit organizations to submit a challenge.

Georgia launched its challenge process in December 2023, and the challenge phase, including the portal, will open on March 4, 2024, and be available for 30 days.