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Broadband Community Application Information

Any political subdivision in Georgia pursuing improved broadband access is eligible for the Broadband Ready Community Certification. A unit may be certified as a Broadband Ready Community by:

  1. Completing the online application form
  2. Demonstrating compliance with the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan inclusive of the promotion of the deployment broadband services, and
  3. Demonstrating compliance with the adoption of a Broadband Model Ordinance.


Apply here for Broadband Ready Community Designation

*For the purpose of applying for a Broadband Ready Designation, a Public Subdivision is defined as a City or County.

*If Designated, a Georgia Certified Broadband Ready Community has an affirmative duty to notify Georgia Department of Community Affairs of any changes to the information submitted as part of its application. Failure to notify the Georgia Department of Community Affairs of any changes may result in revocation of the Community’s Broadband Ready Designation.


Apply Here if you are already a Broadband Ready Community and you are completing your annual recertification.

Broadband Model Ordinance

The Department of Community Affairs has created a model ordinance to assist communities in satisfying the minimum requirements under O.C.G.A. §50-40-41.

Model Ordinance (pdf)

Model Ordinance (word)

*If the Georgia Department of Community Affairs receives an application inclusive of an adopted Ordinance that does not follow the Model Ordinance provided by DCA, the application will be made available for a public comment period of at least 30 days after such an application is received. O.C.G.A. §50-40-40



In accordance with O.C.G.A. §50-40-40, if the Georgia Department of Community Affairs receives a Broadband Ready Community Application inclusive of an adopted Ordinance that differs from the Model Ordinance provided by DCA, the application will be made available for a public comment period of at least 30 days after such an application is received.

Written comments on the Ordinance submitted by Sumter County may be submitted to Georgia Broadband Deployment Initiative (GBDI) via email at or mailed to the following address by 12:00 p.m. EST on May 28, 2023.

Georgia Department of Community Affairs

Attention: Georgia Broadband Deployment Initiative

60 Executive Park South, NE

Atlanta, Georgia 30329