Banks County joins Oglethorpe County as a certified Broadband Ready Community. This northeast Georgia county is the second to receive this designation which signifies that a local unit of government in a community has taken steps to reduce obstacles to broadband infrastructure investment. Oglethorpe was the first in the state to earn this designation in July.
Community officials in pursuit of this designation must submit the online application and demonstrate compliance with the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan (inclusive of the promotion of the deployment broadband services) and Broadband Model Ordinance.
High-speed internet remains out of reach for many residents in rural Georgia. Broadband legislation, passed in the 2018 session, is intended to promote deployment of these services. The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) selected Deana Perry to lead the Broadband program. As Executive Director, Deana brings more than 20 years of industry experience.
“It is really exciting to see communities understand the importance of Broadband and how it can help improve quality of life for their residents,” Perry said. “Banks County has taken a major step, and I look forward to more communities across the state following suit.”
To learn about the designation and legislation, visit or email